How to make men chase after you does not require some
special magical love potion or really anything special at all. It also doesn’t require you to
understand rocket science either. I know
Great News, Right! Whew! What a relief! I know the struggle is real and I understand completely because I struggled for a long time in this area with my ball-busting masculine energy ways!
Love to Chase
However, what is does require from you is leaning back and cultivating feminine mystique! Reining in your instincts. Yep, that is
all. So before you pick up that phone to
call and ask him out on a date, let me explain something to you. I know been
there done that and it has come back to bite me royally in the*&!
So here it is Men love to chase! Plain and simple. This is still base on the biological makeup
of men and understanding men’s biology.
I know I know women have made great strides over the past 50 or so more
years but the biological makeup of men have not changed! Men love a good challenge! Anything they have
to work hard for and earn makes them value it so much more!
So be high value but easy to lose. People just want what they think they cannot
have. Truthfully, men can be turned off
when a woman gives too much or over gives.

Men are also very intrigue when they have to work at gaining your attention.
Men love it when a woman has her very own busy exciting
life! When you have your own life, the pressure is off of him to be the main
source of your happiness! This in turn causes them to think about you
more and wonder if you are even interested in them. Men Love Competition!
Make Man
Chase after You
Really it is not about enforcing control or forcing somebody
to do something. Quite truthfully it is right the opposite! You don’t have control over another individual
anyway but what you do have control over is yourself!
The tools to employ are to learn self-control, (by not
asking him out first, by not calling him first, etc) have confidence be high value, learn to date yourself, and squash the negativity by journeying inward
to examine your old wounds and baggage. Lastly, master the art of flirting!
;-) I myself needing a little extra help in
this category.
you do employ these tools this in return raises your energy/vibration and confidence
levels to attracting men who can’t help but want to chase after you and do
anything just to be in your presence!